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MASCO Youth Football and Cheerleading

MASCO Youth Football and Cheerleading

Frequently asked questions (CHEERLEADING)

Thank you for your interest in Masco youth cheer!

Below you will find some information on our program that will hopefully answer some questions some of you may have, including important dates you will want to save to your calendars. 


     The registration Fee covers the cost of season-long use of the MYC uniform vest and skirt (to be returned at the end of the season), Cheer Bow, and administrative costs to run the program.  The fee also covers the cost to rent our practice space for the season, as well as competition fees.

Registration DOES NOT cover the following required uniform items

  • Red Holloway Hooded Jacket (Required for 3rd Grade forward) - MUST BE ORDERED THROUGH SEWFORTH
  • Cheer sneakers  (can be ordered anywhere, but MUST be WHITE CHEER SNEAKERS)
  • Short Black Boy Shorts (can order anywhere, but sewforth will have these to order from as well)
  • Black leggings
  • White NO SHOW socks

If your cheerleader has previously purchased items that match the current year requirements, still fit, and are in good condition, these items do not need to be purchased.

  • -At the beginning of the season, coaches for each team may collect a designated amount (not to exceed $100) from each child on the team.  This amount will be used to cover various costs that each team will encounter individually throughout the season. Some of these costs include, team accessories, competition music, additional practice space rentals prior to competition, end of the year banquet gifts for the team, etc.  More information regarding this will be communicated by the individual team coaches..


We will be returning to Sports Plex on Rt 1 in Danvers again this year for our practices. 

  • Teams practice 1-3 times per week (depending on grade) at 1.5 to 2 hours each.  Practice schedules will be finalized and sent out sometime in July.
  • Games alternate between Saturday and Sunday.  This schedule will not be available until sometime late August.  As soon as the schedule is released to us, we will release it to the teams.  


Both practices and games are MANDATORY. Attendance is essential to the success of each season.  Due to the nature of the sport, a practice missed by one cheerleader has a significant impact on the team, particularly on that cheerleader's stunt group, who are unable to stunt without every member present.  It also takes away from others when a coach has to step out during practice and teach what was missed.  Cheerleading is a unique sport in which each athlete's safety is dependent upon teamwork, trust and responsibility of the whole team.  Any absences must be excused by the head coach BEFORE practice is missed.  Exceptions MAY be made for illness, family emergency, etc at the coaches discresion.  Coaches MUST be notified prior to practices or games. THERE WILL BE NO EXCUSED ABSENCES THE WEEK PRIOR TO COMPETITIONS.  Failure to comply with attendance policy may result in the removal of competition routine.


  • MAY 1st - Registration Opens
  • JUNE 1st - Registration Closes 
  • EARLY JUNE (Date TBD) - Uniform Fittings
  • 8/1 - Season officially begins
  • 8/12 - 8/15 & 8/19 - 8/22 - Cheer camp (5-7pm at Pye Brook Park in Topsfield)
  • 8/17 - Camp Showcase
  • SEPTEMBER (Date TBD) -  Picture Day
  • 9/27 (Subject to change) - Friday Night Lights
  • TBD - Cheer For a cure Competition 
  • 11/2 - MYCA competition

Frequently asked questions (Football)

Q - Where do I get game uniforms?
A - Sew Forth in Middleton ( Link is below)

Q - What gear does MYF provide?
A - Helmet, Shoulder pads, Practice jersey

Q- When are practices?
A - D (2-4th grade) team is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays, 5p-7p. Occasionally a walk through practice on Saturdays
All other teams Monday - Thursday (5p-7p) with walk through on Saturdays.

Q- When are games?
A- Saturdays or Sundays

Q- How do I return equipment? 
A- At the end of the year we send out dates to come and bring equipment back.

Q- Can I keep my helmet?
A- You can keep your helmet if you pay for it. Each helmet is $325. 



Cheerleading email, [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

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